Our Tutors
We are looking for tutors that:
Know material inside and out and determines what’s important to focus on each session
Has strong communication skills who know how to build a student’s confidence
Are highly engaging and organized!
If you fit this description, we encourage you to follow these steps to be a EL tutor:
All tutors must be an employed teacher at East Liverpool City School District
Interested EL teachers submit tutoring application, headshot photo, and a copy of your teaching license to the Director of School Improvement office by reaching out here.
Approved tutors will be notified by email.
Frequently asked questions
Are services virtual or face-to-face?
We believe that the best instruction for our students is face-to-face with our staff. All sessions are to be in person as well as one-on-one with a tutor. Currently there will not be any small groups approved. Only one student will be able to book a given time slot on a tutor’s calendar. We are looking for learning support for a student’s individual unique needs.
what is the pay rate?
Tutors will earn $36/hr.
Note: sessions credits will be distributed in 30 minute increments. IE: $18/30 min.
How will i get paid?
Tutors will be paid by the site administrator monthly. Note that you will not be paid by the East Liverpool City School district. A Third party vendor will be the fiscal agent
CAN I book sessions on behalf of students?
No. Families must book their own sessions directly through the site in order to pay their services with their bank of credits. Tutors do not have access to this.
What is required of the tutor?
This program is not purposed for individual homework help sessions (we would hope that our staff would deal with those issues in their normal day.). Our objective is to help students over multiple sessions to close learning gaps, increase understanding weakness in standardized testing areas, etc.
We will require a pre-assessment that identifies area(s) of needed improvement and a post-assessment to document the identified area improvement.